Preparation and organization are the best tools to reduce your stress level. Knowing what to expect in your new location and what you have to do to get there will provide for a smoother move.
- Selling your home
- When your company wants to relocate you and your family they might ask you to choose a real estate professional you trust or you might be assigned a REALTOR®. Sometimes the company will ask for two or three evaluations to be done by professional appraisers. In order to achieve your goal you should verify the policies and procedure with your employer.
Finding a reliable Real Estate Agent in the new location
- Check local Realtors website – contact a REALTOR® who has relocation experience
- If being relocated by your employer – they have a list of experienced REALTORS®
- Ask a local resident, trustworthy friends, possibly someone at your new place of work, to recommend someone
- Above all – ensure you decide on someone you and your family will feel comfortable with
- Visit the new location
- Plan to visit your new location and area as soon as possible. Contact colleagues at your new office and ask them for advice on good residential areas or activities your family is involved in.
- Review your finances
- Determine how much money your household has for a down payment and for mortgage payments. If you have contacted a REALTOR®, ask them to help.
See our “Buyer’s Resources” to get started. Decide on the type of house you want and can afford (get pre-approved) before you go to look for a house. Save time by determining broad criteria that appeal to you such as:
- Price range Age of house (old/younger/new)
- Style of house (2 storey, split level, bungalow, townhouse or condo)
- Bedrooms (how many are a MUST?)
- Other required rooms: den, workshop, guest room, family room.
- Location (willing to pay for prestige or looking for the best house for your money?)
- Neighborhood (city or country, subdivision or established?)
- Will this mean the purchase of an additional car?When you arrive on your “house selection trip”, reserve a room at a pleasant place where you can enjoy uninterrupted time as many decisions will need to be made. A clear and rested head is important. Coordinate your arrival well in advance with your REALTOR® at the new location to ensure her/his availability during your trip.
- Moving with Children
- Make if fun! Tell the children as soon as the decision to move is made. However, keep in mind that for younger ones, the longer they have to think about moving, the tougher it will be. Try to move soon after the end of the school year so that your younger children feel at home when school starts. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from school administrators at your current and future locations.
Schools- Once your new home is selected, visit each child’s new school. Talk to the principal or teacher and discuss your interest in seeing a smooth adjustment to new surroundings for your child. Find out all you can about the school and the curriculum. Perhaps there are books your child can be reading to be in tune with his/her new classmates and program.
Ask your REALTOR® about nearby attractions that your children will be interested in, such as a zoo, park, skating rink or swimming pool
Take pictures of your new house, school and nearby amenities for the children.